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The Joyful Mourning - A Podcast for Women Who Have Experienced Pregnancy or Infant Loss

Aug 4, 2022

Season 05 is here and I am so, so grateful to be back. In this special first episode of season 05 I am joined by my husband Aaron who is taking on the role as host. In this episode he is asking me all the questions and I am answering your questions! I share about what my grief looks like now nearly 14 years later and...

Jan 27, 2022

This is part 2 of a 2 part interview with Megan Gamboa. Last week in Part 1, Megan shared the story of her son Levi and the life-limiting diagnosis of Trisomy 13 she received for him, what it looked like for her to make the decision to carry him to term and how she advocated for his life with her medical team. Megan...