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The Joyful Mourning - A Podcast for Women Who Have Experienced Pregnancy or Infant Loss

Apr 29, 2024

A special episode in honor of your motherhood. This entire month we are giving space for your unique story of motherhood, providing a little extra support and hope as you head into Mother’s Day – a day that can be full of many complex emotions, often very painful.


But more important than our resources and articles...

Dec 24, 2023

From Every Moment Holy, Volume II 

"Lead me, O Lord, through this layered confusion 

of celebration and lament, of things present,

and things past. Let me make of this day a new thing.

Though holidays might be hard days, O God, 

by the movement of your mercies 

may they also become holy days, 

teaching me again and...

Dec 4, 2023

Over the years we have created several episodes for navigating the holidays after loss and in this episode I’m sharing with you 10 of our favorites – I know it can be challenging to sift through hundreds of episodes so we did the hard work for you and pulled a few favorites to get you started.


Nov 27, 2023

In this episode I’m sharing with you 5 simple ways to love a grieving mom through the holidays – 5 things to know about what it’s like to be a grieving mom during the holidays and how you can meet her in those things, showing up for her in very simple ways this holiday season. This episode is about simple acts...

Nov 20, 2023

In this episode I’m answering your questions about navigating the holiday season while grieving the loss of a baby. 

I pray the words I share with you today offer you hope in this season. I pray these words remind you that you are not alone.  


This episode is sponsored by...